The while loop operates as follows , the condition is tested ,if the it is true .
That is the condition is true that means
for example
10 == 10 . or 10<20 .="" etc="" p="">If it is true the statement in the while loop will be work or execute
while(i < j )
stament for exection
while(far <= upper )
That is the condition is true that means
for example
10 == 10 . or 10<20 .="" etc="" p="">If it is true the statement in the while loop will be work or execute
while(i < j )
stament for exection
while(far <= upper )
celsius = 5 * (far - 32)/9;
printf("%d\t%d\n", far ,celsius);
far += step;
it will execute till until the condition will get false .
that is the far not equal to upper
NB :
The body of the while loop may be single or more line .
If there is a single line there is no need to add a the curly {} bracket
Eg :
while(i < j)
i = 2 * i ; // it will repeat until the condition fall
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